Handling uneasy questions on a hapless day could be another high risk, high reward job among political parties like stock market trading. With the media losing sleep to reveal truth over any controversy, the skill of being the face of the party on a bad day is becoming so precious that there may be a reality show to showcase such a talent or even a grooming course for the new aspirants.
Have you seen the amazing energy of Mr. Arnab Goswami playing to role of truth-digger (presumably on behalf of the whole nation) and the art of Dr. Sambit Patra (BJP) dodging Arnab and all other competitors (aka panelists) on an ominous (for BJP) day? Dr. Patra blinks, smiles, looks serious, talks when he is supposed to listen and listens when he is asked a question, fights on a not-so-core issue of that day often spawning new sidetracks with minimal importance but bitter vitriol - all to pass those 30 minutes. Mr. Goswami makes it look like the most precious 30 minutes for the entire nation whereas Dr. Patra burns calories to skillfully jeopardize the plot. It's a win-win for both of them. Media trials aren't expected to replace judiciary and will remain as incomplete as they always were. And the show somehow goes on.
What are the essential qualities required for these political party spokespersons? I think - patience, confidence, quick thinking and an ice-cold head. Usually they prepare well on similar sticky situations of rival parties, keep a stock of fresh or cliché anecdotes which can be used as diversions, carry enough emotional detachment not to get carried away in anything meaty and have faith in a clock. It's easy by no means, but a niche skill and higher risks do combine for a bigger prize in any profession. This is where meditations, arts of living and all stress-busting techniques of the world (and beyond!) come to rescue the 'professional' humanity.
Have you seen the amazing energy of Mr. Arnab Goswami playing to role of truth-digger (presumably on behalf of the whole nation) and the art of Dr. Sambit Patra (BJP) dodging Arnab and all other competitors (aka panelists) on an ominous (for BJP) day? Dr. Patra blinks, smiles, looks serious, talks when he is supposed to listen and listens when he is asked a question, fights on a not-so-core issue of that day often spawning new sidetracks with minimal importance but bitter vitriol - all to pass those 30 minutes. Mr. Goswami makes it look like the most precious 30 minutes for the entire nation whereas Dr. Patra burns calories to skillfully jeopardize the plot. It's a win-win for both of them. Media trials aren't expected to replace judiciary and will remain as incomplete as they always were. And the show somehow goes on.
What are the essential qualities required for these political party spokespersons? I think - patience, confidence, quick thinking and an ice-cold head. Usually they prepare well on similar sticky situations of rival parties, keep a stock of fresh or cliché anecdotes which can be used as diversions, carry enough emotional detachment not to get carried away in anything meaty and have faith in a clock. It's easy by no means, but a niche skill and higher risks do combine for a bigger prize in any profession. This is where meditations, arts of living and all stress-busting techniques of the world (and beyond!) come to rescue the 'professional' humanity.